Friday, February 10, 2012

"Leave the gun, take the cannoli..."

I keep thinking of things that I should come back and post here, but then I get busy doing other things (Oh, like uh.. SCHOOL) and I forget to keep Ol' Prudence updated! Sigh. I need to do better.

That said, I received some exciting news!! Cute little niecey-poo from my previous post? Well guess who's her Godmother?
Wee widdle baby smile!! <3

Yup. That'd be MEEEEE!! I'm so excited to watch her grow in faith. And help out as much as I can along the way. She'll be baptized near Another Smalltown in mid-March. And I'll actually get to be there. No proxy for me!! No no no noooooo way....

Sorry, a little Dreamgirls moment there...

til next time, friends!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Life is a rollercoaster.

Apologies for the lack of blogging. Prudence has had a relatively rough go of it as of late, and blogging sort of slipped her mind. But it's a wonder what kind of catharsis one can achieve through the art of writing. That's why I've always been a writer I think!

That said, here's a quick run down of the good, the bad, and the ugly in my life:

The Good
We took a group of 21 to the March for Life from Smalltown, USA, including about a dozen high school students. It was pretty awesome to hear some of the students saying "Next year when we come back we have to ___________" ... so great!

Our motley crew...
I'm on the job market... and to date, while I haven't gotten any phone interviews or offers, I also haven't gotten any rejection letters either. So I guess that just means that I'm in academic limbo for the time being... There are worse places I could be.. so yay.

My niece-in-love was born on January 23 and she is such a blessing. I can't wait to meet her in person when I travel back to Another Small Town.
Sweet lil' niecey-poo!
The Bad
My life seems to be so out of whack (see THE UGLY) as of late. I need something to put some pep in my step, something to set afire to my work. I've started planning my life out again like I used to do, in hopes that that will spur some productivity!

The Ugly
Prudence's proposal defense of THE BIG PAPER was last week... a week ago from today actually. It was... ugly. But, it's better to be ugly at this stage in the game than ugly when I defend the whole thing... or get bogged down in data after passing a shoddy proposal. So... I have my work cut out for me...

(Sidenote: It's taken a week of reflection and thinking to get to this point. And I'll admit, I'm still a touch angry at how the defense situation transpired, but... it's all water under the bridge right now. I knew getting in to this that it wasn't going to be easy...)

And as a bonus, the amazing
I have some really great friends in my life. People have been praying for me for a long time, and when the verdict came last Thursday on the defense, they prayed even more fervently. They care about me. They huddle around me in times of distress. And they know who they are. And if any of you are reading this... I really, really thank you. I think the reason I got through this last week without breaking down and crying and wanting to quit school is the "safety net" of people I call my friends and family. (That, or I'm a really cold and bitter person... I didn't even cry when I saw Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close...)
All the words on this ad are true. It was an amazing movie!

It's as St. Thomas Aquinas said:
"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship."