Monday, June 4, 2012

Trinity Sunday marks Prudence's return to MAKING GOD LAUGH!

Yesterday was Trinity Sunday, and Prudence was feeling a bit on the tired side, so she didn't really do anything too productive apart from "Double Mass-it," as my Canadian-Friend has dubbed my behavior of going to more than one weekend Mass (and he also says I'm nuts for that... and I just say I need all the grace I can get so Boom on that one, eh?)
NOTE: I <3 my Canadian friend. And S/O to my Canadian follower and fellow blogger, TH2!

And (soapbox moment)....
Photo Cred: Myanderings
Can I just say that doing this does not make me a nutcase? I have commitments - I sing in the 8:30 choir; but sometimes, I get up and I'm barely functioning that early in the morning and THEN you put me up in a choir loft and have about 100-150 people (and babies) between me and what I'm supposed to be focusing on ... it just doesn't work out! So.. I added another Mass later in the evening that many of the Youth I work with attend. I sometimes sing in the choir (but dislike that because I get easily distracted there too AND the choir area is way over on the side and I can't see... which means I don't focus...) and also serve as an EM and have filled in as lector as needed. Yes, I realize that I've fulfilled my obligation by attending the 8:30 Mass, BUT if I'm too busy staring at the baby that's being all cute right below me and being distracted by people tearing checks out of their checkbooks for offertory during the Homily right beside me, don't judge me for wanting to go back so I can pay attention at the later Mass time. Gosh. (/soapbox moment).
See. Cute babies are distracting. But she didn't distract me at Church. This mah Godbaby. Loves her.
A*N*Y*W*A*Y... I spent my Trinity Sunday fighting exhaustion (it's the end of the quarter and it's been a trying, busy, and emotional roller coaster last few weeks). I was going to go for a run, but decided my Casper white-skin needed some Vitamin-D and so I sat out by my apartment complex's pool on what didn't feel to be a very warm day, reading The Spiritual Legacy of Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity (which seemed appropriate given it was Trinity Sunday and all...)

Here's Sister Mary! But she won't turn the right way... She's saved "hotdog style" but she keeps uploading all "hamburger-like" so... Meh.
It's funny these books I've turned to to read for spiritual guidance, no matter what happens in life or where I start reading from in the book, there always seems to be something that speaks to me on a profound level. It happened with Diary: Divine Mercy in my Soul too (which ::sheepish:: I stopped reading after Notebook 1. I'll pick it back up some time, I'm sure...) Perhaps I'll dedicate another post to that...
Jesus I Trust in You!
So now, Prudence is starting FINALS WEEK (and for the first time in her college and post-graduate carrer - HAS NO FINALS! I just give one on Thursday yay!) and diving headlong into dissertation work for the summer. And planning a mission trip to Appalachia for our Youth Group. And singing for some weddings. And moderating an online class. And planning for teaching in the fall. And moving. ..... Here I come summer. Full steam ahead!

And... I'm disproportionately "tanned" (READ: look like a lobster with my Celtic #1 skin) from my not very warm but high UV index day of poolside reading... I'm sure that makes God laugh...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Catholic Media Promotion Day Pt II (but late, whoops)

I kind of missed the boat on Catholic Media Promotion Day part II, but it's better late than never, I suppose, right?

The second part of CMPD was supposed to be reflection on our purpose... what do we do as Catholics involved with social media? I've been thinking about this along and along, and I think it finally struck me today with the readings from today's Mass - it's from 1 Peter. Here... let's look:
The end of all things is at hand.
Therefore be serious and sober-minded
so that you will be able to pray.
Above all, let your love for one another be intense,
because love covers a multitude of sins
Be hospitable to one another without complaining.
As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another
as good stewards of God's varied grace.
Whoever preaches, let it be with the words of God;
whoever serves, let it be with the strength that God supplies,
so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ,
to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you,
as if something strange were happening to you
But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ,
so that when his glory is revealed
you may also rejoice exultantly." 
 [The emphasis is mine, obvi.]

Catholic Media Promotion Day 2012 Logo
This spoke to me today in a serious way... I feel as though it kind of sums up the last few months of my life. I haven't really felt like I've made God laugh in any particular way lately. Things have just been... serious. Many things have caused it... and so, I ask for you, my friends, to please send up prayers for

  • My mother... that she returns to her normal self soon after breaking her hip and having to recover from the corrective surgery, and that the issues she's having with her back are fixable so that she can enjoy the life she once had
  • Our youth minister in Smalltown USA... that she returns to her health after a harrowing month following a stroke and aneurysm and that in her absence, I may continue to lead the Catholic Teens in this area to the best of my ability

Catholicism: Journey Around the World!  I haven't read this yet or been a part of the series but it's coming to Smalltown USA in the fall, or so I hear....
And that... this... that I have a support group of people who don't even really know me, necessarily, can gather around in a time of need. And that's what our purpose as Catholics in social media is all about. To be a support group, a community that is there for one another.

We are the universal Church. Catholic means universal. We need to support one another in our faith journeys. We need to be brothers and sisters in Christ.