Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Welcome Readers!

Hi Blogosphere! Welcome to my new digs! Prudence Thorne here, ready to make you cry from laughing at the shenanigans that I call my life.

Much like life, this blog is a work in progress. It's ultimate purpose (probably way on down the line) is to help me discern my vocation. I'm a 20-something, single, Catholic young woman, and I'm coming to a cross-roads where I will need to make some HUGE life decisions - like within the next 6 months. So I figure, well, why the heck not include other people in on the randomness?!

The blog, I believe, is appropriately named Making God Laugh because as we know - "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans!"

I look forward to entertaining you with the crazy and zany antics that seem to make up my daily life. We might ponder some serious things along the way, but for the most part (as you'll learn in the next post), my life tends to be especially.... crazy.

Welcome readers - it's going to be a crazy ride!

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