Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Why are you CRAZY?"

The post title comes from a text message I received during a text conversation with Priest-Friend. Believe it or not, the conversation surrounded liturgical vestments and which ones were the most visually appealing and therefore the ones that should be ordered for immediate wear at the parishes in Smalltown, USA. (Well... immediate in my eyes. I dunno about Priest-Friend's and the other higher ups!) Apparently, I have quite the eye for tradition (and expensive priest threads to boot). But, hey what can I say? Wear a Roman chasuble with lots of gold detailing, some man-lace, and throw a biretta in for good measure - and I'm set! Happy as a clam, I am. Point. Set. Match.

Exhibits A and B: Roman Chasuble. With Gold Details. And Man-lace. Lots of it. SCORE!
Photo Cred: Et Clamor Meus Ad Te Veniat

Exhibit C: Biretta.

But of course, you never see much of those things (Roman chasubles, man-lace, birettas) anymore. So... the fact that Priest-Friend is actually someone who OWNS a biretta that has been worn at least twice in the previous year made me giddy with anticipation of what Smalltown, USA has in store now that he's (Priest-Friend) been assigned here. And picking out prettified vestments that would potentially replace the table cloths that have been worn in Smalltown since before Prudence was born? Sign me up!

But apparently the giddyness and excitement translates into ape-$h!t craziness. But that's okay! I'm crazy about my faith - I'm crazy about tradition. I'm crazy about awesome Catholic tradition that seems to be slowly sneaking back into the liturgy (WHAT WHAT NEW TRANSLATION!!) And if that makes Prudence crazy, then so be it. I'm okay with that.

As one of my favorite comedians, Billy Gardell, once said

"Girl, you've got a special brew of crazy goin' on."

....if the shoe fits?

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