Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Redo? Can I get a redo?

Hello friends of Prudence Thorne! I AM STILL ALIVE!! A three month hiatus from blogging really is uncalled for. Perhaps that's why I've gone through such a dreary state of life as of late. I really haven't felt like I've made God laugh in a while, and I guess that's why I haven't been posting here... It's a sad state of affairs, dear friends. But I speak truth.
Van Gogh's Sorrowing Old Man ['At Eternity's Gate'], 1890
The last few months have been brutal, to say the least, for me. And most of the brutality is/was self-inflicted. Prudence has a tendency to dwell on negativity, to be somewhat pessimistic, and to get wrapped up in all of that that she forgets to look to the bright side of life. I think it happens alot when I forget to be myself and get caught up in the busyness and mundane details of it all - of life.
Photo Cred: FanPop
This summer saw me working three jobs PLUS singing for weddings and funerals on the side, planning for a new job in the fall (I'm going into my third week and rocking the socks off of it by the way so BOOYAH), and YUP, still working (or at least thinking about... productivity wasn't at an all time high...) on that BIG PAPER. Letting all that add up and add in the stresses of home life (please pray for Mama Prudence - she's had a rough go of it for the last six months and still needs all the prayers she can get) that makes for no fun at all.
Photo Cred: PhD Comics - Piled Higher and Deeper
So it's time to put on my sassy pants and get back into the swing of being downright AWESOME because that's what Prudence does best. No more time for gloom and despair! None at all. From this point forward, Prudence will be... well.. rejuvenated and sassified (as Honey Boo Boo says!)
Photo Cred: SomeEcards
So it is written, so let it be!

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