Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wanted: CAKE. Cheese or Carrot.

Hello reader friends!

Just a quick update for now - life seems to be somewhat in a lull right now, but that promises not to last for long! So here's a bit about what's been going on in the life of Prudence Thorne...

The proposal defense for the BIG PAPER is a week from tomorrow. I think once that happens I might be able to breathe a HUGE sigh of a relief. And then also begin working on things again, which will make me feel like less of a bum.
Photo Cred: PhD Comics
This weekend, I'm accompanying the youth group from our churches in Smalltown, USA to Washington, DC for the March for Life. It'll be my 3rd march, and I'm looking forward to it!! It's always such a great feeling to peacefully demonstrate and speak out for those who can't defend themselves.

There are a plethora of movies coming out that I would like to see. These include, but are not limited to: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, The Descendents, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Iron Lady, and Joyful Noise. I'm sure there are others that are missing from this list. Oh... and I don't really want to see it because I think it'll be good, but I think I may see Man on a Ledge because it looks so completely ridiculous. And I'm mad that they weren't more creative with naming the flick either...

And currently, I'd REALLY like this:

Except for with a $hit-ton more whipped cream

Or this:
Mmmmm.... carrot cake.

Because cake always makes the world a better place. I mean, right?

But this is what I'm going to have as there is no cheesecake or carrot cake in sight (SAD. DAY.):

Exciting, no?
Happy Wednesday, friends!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Toes... nose?

Oops, it's been a few days since my last post! Apologies, fearless readers!!

It's been a relatively MEH few days, but I'm hoping that I'm getting out of the rut, because you can't really make God laugh if you're a Debbie Downer all the time, right? Plus, who can be a Negative Nancy when you have green-teal toes with gold sparkles? Oh yeah, that's right. EXCITINGNESSS!!

Yup, that's a Prudence foot with SPARKLY TOESSSSS!
In other news, somehow it got to be 12:55am without my permission and I have an Italian quiz in the morning. I sat down to study at about 8:30 and apart from writing my composition for the quiz, I've studied pretty much nothing. Oopsies. I know my stuff fairly well though... so hopefully a quick review before said-quiz in the morning will be sufficient!

Soooooo.... this has been a pretty pointless update other than showing you my toes. But aren't they nifty! There will be more substance, hopefully, when it's a more reasonable hour...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Prudence's Challenge

I went to super early Daily Mass today (8:30AM ...ok so not super super early but still) which is typically offered by Older-Priest (at the more Churchy-church) in Smalltown, USA. And Father's homily today was awesome. It made ya think. And I love when homilies make me think.

Maybe it was because I was so tired because I was up and out for 8:30 Mass ON MY DAY OFF. [Yeah, that's right. No classes on Wednesdays. Nothing but time for me. Me and THE BIG PAPER.] But I closed my eyes and really listened to Father remind us that we need time for quiet. Like... real quiet.
From the age of 6 and under, I thought this image was that of God/Jesus. It's really the cover of Willie Nelson's Greatest Hits album.
How else are we supposed to hear God speak to us? In a world where we're constantly connected - always texting, always on the phone, always on Facebook or Twitter or what have you - how can we hear God speak to us with all of the distractions?

For me, I used to use Adoration as an hour that I knew I had each week to sit with Our Lord and just listen to Him and to read His word. Now that Adoration has been canceled in Smalltown (and has been since August - sad day), I go to Daily Mass. But, I still think I need that time with the JC in Adoration. My behavior (see my last post) says that God might have some things to say to me... but only if I make time to listen. And really listen.
Papa Ratzi
So... let's see what happens. Today, 1/11/12, I'm challenging myself to at least 15-30 minutes of quiet time with spiritual reading or Adoration (if the time presents itself that I can go hang out with JC) a day to try to curb some of the anxiety and meh-ness I've been feeling as of late. There's never been a better time to challenge myself in this way...

And as we know with time to myself for thinking and reflecting, there's no telling what might cross my mind..

Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm such a goober.

Lately, I've been feeling a little bit blue. And I think I've found the root(s) of it. But I don't want to really admit it, because it makes me feel like a bad person and a goober.

But, what's a blog for, especially when written under a pen-name, but to admit the things you don't really want to admit in real life?? 

So, the root(s), you ask?


Yup, you got it.

I mean, obviously, the world should revolve around me. If I speak, you should listen and what's more, you should respond with what * I * want you to say. If I text you, you should text me back - immediately. You should hang out with me when I want, on my time table of course. And if I want to be alone, you should leave me alone, but still be at my beck and call when I decide that I want to talk to you. 

If only, right?

Actually, no. I'm glad life's not that way, although it seems very enticing for it to be such.

If the world revolved around just me (or you or you or you), it would be even more predictable, monotonous, and not-fun than it already is at times. There'd be no stimulation, no sense of wonder, no surprises. And what's worse, there'd be even less devotion, I fear, to Our Lord, because if we were what the world revolved around, there'd be no need for Him, no need for His sacrifice.

And without Christ, we are nothing. Think about it. He is the source and summit.

And that's why (I guess) it's okay that you don't answer my text immediately. Or if I'm not necessarily the top priority on everyone's list all the time. I'll let JC take that spot. Because he's awesome and stuff. yeah.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm still alive!

I survived skiing, even though this one girl in pink snow pants and a green jacket on a snowboard was all but asking me to punch her in the face when she turned and stopped in front of me not once, but on TWO SEPARATE OCCASIONS, making me have to bail. Those were the only times I fell (on the slope -- I'm still not really great getting off the chair lift or toe rope...)
The slopes.
And since today is the last day I can legitimately say this to you as it is the last day of the season - MERRY CHRISTMAS my reader-friends! I hope your holiday season was happy and holy. I am so excited that we got to sing "Of the Father's Love Begotten" today at Mass. It's probably my favorite Christmas song.

Friday, January 6, 2012


This weekend, Prudence will be chaperoning the high school youth group's ski trip. (I know I'm 26 and all, but I don't feel old enough to be a chaperone.) We're going Up North near the big lake to meet up with another youth group for a weekend ' o ' fun.
Photo Cred: Disney Clips

Prudence has never skiied before, considering Another Smalltown, where she grew up, is well below the Mason-Dixon and located next to that big pond we refer to as the Atlantic. The one time the Thorne family tried to go skiing, it was 60 degrees with no fresh powder. Sad day. The Thorne family played Laser Tag instead. But never fear, fun was still had!
Not much skiing happens at the beach. Unless it's jet skis. Which I haven't done either. I should do that.
Prayers that Prudence comes home in one piece after this weekend. Everyone's been giving me ski tips. I'm open to suggestions about the best way to not run into trees or other ski-ers.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I've been feeling very contemplative as of late. I'm sure it has something to do with Christmas and the New Year but here I sit. Thinking.

Sometimes I think about funny things. And when I do, a huge smile spreads across my face. Which makes me wonder, if passersby notice - I wonder what THEY think I'm thinking.

Smiling like a J@ck@$$ chewin' briars...
Which makes me think - if people could REALLY hear my thoughts and know what goes on inside my head half of the time...Oh. wow. I don't think the world would be ready for Prudence Thorne.

Someone made a really profound statement in an off-the-cuff / in-passing kind of way to me yesterday, and it really hit home. We were talking about bad habits, and I said something along the lines of them hearing my voice in their head, like the WWJD saying, but instead it would be "What would Prudence say?" and they responded, "No no, it would be what would you think. You think way more than you speak. And it means more." ...I was at a loss. They were right. I do think alot. WAAAAAY more than I speak.

Sometimes I wonder if that's a problem - thinking and internalizing things more than voicing my opinion. I've always had two rules in my not-so-grown-up life:
  1. Don't say anything unless you really mean it. Meaning, don't just talk to waste air or to fill space. Really think about what you're going to say.

  2. If people aren't listening or talk over you, don't waste your time talking because if they can't respect that you're trying to speak then they probably don't really care about what you have to say.
I live by these, and sometimes that makes me very quiet in conversations where people tend to run the show. Other times, people think I'm stuck up and rather itchy with a b at the beginning. But it's not that really. I just internalize and thing a whole heck of alot more than I talk.

Tehe. I kid. I'm not unstable.
Photo Cred: The Smoking Jacket

I also write more than I talk too.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy 2012! 

I hope all of my readers have a happy, healthy, and fulfilling year.
Photo Cred: Celebrity Planet
I, personally, think that 2012 is going to be Prudence's year.  12 is my favorite number after all. And I get not just 365, but 366 days to enjoy the year of '12.

That is, unless the ancient Mayans were correct and we only have until December 21. But alas. It's going to be a good year.

It has to be.

God-willing and with the right attitude, we make of it what we put into it. I'm going in headfirst with faith and feeling good. How about you?

I hope you're feeling good, like my Mr. Buble here, who is fantastic. I <3 him.