Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm such a goober.

Lately, I've been feeling a little bit blue. And I think I've found the root(s) of it. But I don't want to really admit it, because it makes me feel like a bad person and a goober.

But, what's a blog for, especially when written under a pen-name, but to admit the things you don't really want to admit in real life?? 

So, the root(s), you ask?


Yup, you got it.

I mean, obviously, the world should revolve around me. If I speak, you should listen and what's more, you should respond with what * I * want you to say. If I text you, you should text me back - immediately. You should hang out with me when I want, on my time table of course. And if I want to be alone, you should leave me alone, but still be at my beck and call when I decide that I want to talk to you. 

If only, right?

Actually, no. I'm glad life's not that way, although it seems very enticing for it to be such.

If the world revolved around just me (or you or you or you), it would be even more predictable, monotonous, and not-fun than it already is at times. There'd be no stimulation, no sense of wonder, no surprises. And what's worse, there'd be even less devotion, I fear, to Our Lord, because if we were what the world revolved around, there'd be no need for Him, no need for His sacrifice.

And without Christ, we are nothing. Think about it. He is the source and summit.

And that's why (I guess) it's okay that you don't answer my text immediately. Or if I'm not necessarily the top priority on everyone's list all the time. I'll let JC take that spot. Because he's awesome and stuff. yeah.

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