Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Prudence's Challenge

I went to super early Daily Mass today (8:30AM ...ok so not super super early but still) which is typically offered by Older-Priest (at the more Churchy-church) in Smalltown, USA. And Father's homily today was awesome. It made ya think. And I love when homilies make me think.

Maybe it was because I was so tired because I was up and out for 8:30 Mass ON MY DAY OFF. [Yeah, that's right. No classes on Wednesdays. Nothing but time for me. Me and THE BIG PAPER.] But I closed my eyes and really listened to Father remind us that we need time for quiet. Like... real quiet.
From the age of 6 and under, I thought this image was that of God/Jesus. It's really the cover of Willie Nelson's Greatest Hits album.
How else are we supposed to hear God speak to us? In a world where we're constantly connected - always texting, always on the phone, always on Facebook or Twitter or what have you - how can we hear God speak to us with all of the distractions?

For me, I used to use Adoration as an hour that I knew I had each week to sit with Our Lord and just listen to Him and to read His word. Now that Adoration has been canceled in Smalltown (and has been since August - sad day), I go to Daily Mass. But, I still think I need that time with the JC in Adoration. My behavior (see my last post) says that God might have some things to say to me... but only if I make time to listen. And really listen.
Papa Ratzi
So... let's see what happens. Today, 1/11/12, I'm challenging myself to at least 15-30 minutes of quiet time with spiritual reading or Adoration (if the time presents itself that I can go hang out with JC) a day to try to curb some of the anxiety and meh-ness I've been feeling as of late. There's never been a better time to challenge myself in this way...

And as we know with time to myself for thinking and reflecting, there's no telling what might cross my mind..

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