Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I've been feeling very contemplative as of late. I'm sure it has something to do with Christmas and the New Year but here I sit. Thinking.

Sometimes I think about funny things. And when I do, a huge smile spreads across my face. Which makes me wonder, if passersby notice - I wonder what THEY think I'm thinking.

Smiling like a J@ck@$$ chewin' briars...
Which makes me think - if people could REALLY hear my thoughts and know what goes on inside my head half of the time...Oh. wow. I don't think the world would be ready for Prudence Thorne.

Someone made a really profound statement in an off-the-cuff / in-passing kind of way to me yesterday, and it really hit home. We were talking about bad habits, and I said something along the lines of them hearing my voice in their head, like the WWJD saying, but instead it would be "What would Prudence say?" and they responded, "No no, it would be what would you think. You think way more than you speak. And it means more." ...I was at a loss. They were right. I do think alot. WAAAAAY more than I speak.

Sometimes I wonder if that's a problem - thinking and internalizing things more than voicing my opinion. I've always had two rules in my not-so-grown-up life:
  1. Don't say anything unless you really mean it. Meaning, don't just talk to waste air or to fill space. Really think about what you're going to say.

  2. If people aren't listening or talk over you, don't waste your time talking because if they can't respect that you're trying to speak then they probably don't really care about what you have to say.
I live by these, and sometimes that makes me very quiet in conversations where people tend to run the show. Other times, people think I'm stuck up and rather itchy with a b at the beginning. But it's not that really. I just internalize and thing a whole heck of alot more than I talk.

Tehe. I kid. I'm not unstable.
Photo Cred: The Smoking Jacket

I also write more than I talk too.

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