Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy 2012! 

I hope all of my readers have a happy, healthy, and fulfilling year.
Photo Cred: Celebrity Planet
I, personally, think that 2012 is going to be Prudence's year.  12 is my favorite number after all. And I get not just 365, but 366 days to enjoy the year of '12.

That is, unless the ancient Mayans were correct and we only have until December 21. But alas. It's going to be a good year.

It has to be.

God-willing and with the right attitude, we make of it what we put into it. I'm going in headfirst with faith and feeling good. How about you?

I hope you're feeling good, like my Mr. Buble here, who is fantastic. I <3 him.

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