Thursday, December 1, 2011

Does it still count?

This morning I got up early and accompanied my dad to Daily Mass at Home Parish in Another Smalltown, USA. Home Parish is historical, beautiful, and relatively traditional, especially compared to other churches. I have a great love for Home Parish, but there are some things about it that make it... special?

Anywho. Dad and I went to Mass. We got there just after the Nuns from Little-Parish-Across-Another Smalltown (that probably should be closed because its purpose was for segregation back in the 50s...but what can you do?) [Ooop, you've learned that Prudence originally hails from below the Mason-Dixon.] Let it be known that my dad and I rarely got to sit together at Mass when I was growing up as he sang in the choir and I was an altar server. You'd think that now that I'm a 20-something, we'd be able to behave ourselves, but as my mom often says - she can't take us anywhere. 

As I'm sure you know, the Revisions to the Mass are still very fresh - so we have alot of "And also with your spirit"'s happening. Today - because Fr. Home Parish is overly careful and cautious and totally freaked out by these changes - we did the Confetior (which is rarely used anyway, so props to him for bringing it back, yo!) But.. the revisions to the Confetior are relatively few and it's still strikingly similar to the old Confetior (which, arguably, most people don't know either. Pfft.) BUT! Dad and I know our prayers (booyah?) and, even reading the fun pew cards that are conveniently placed in the pews to help the people along with these changes - Dad boldly proclaims:

I confess to Almighty God, and to you my brother and sisters that I have sinned thr... ::with greater emphasis:: GREATLY SINNED....

We didn't get any further because Dad lost it, and so did I. Being that it was just after 8AM and I was still very just made matters worse. I had tears from laughing. I don't know if it was one of those 'you had to be there' moments, but... you had to be there. I imagine it was one of those moments where God laughs and just shakes His head. And I think it still counts... even though I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be laughing hysterically when telling God you're sorry for having greatly sinned.
Jesus Facepalm. He forgives you... but still.
And to add to the fantasticness of this Daily Mass (and other Masses to boot) -- whoever hooked up the sound system at Home Parish got some wires crossed and we get some feedback from a local radio station -- at the most inopportune times. AND it's a be-boppy station. Meaning... we get some groovin' jams during the most solemn parts of the Mass. Fun times, right? Most of the time you can't actually make out what is being said (which is probably best), you just hear the bass line.

BUT NOT TODAY! Nope. Today, we received communion to the beat of Club Nouveau's Remix of Lean on Me.  Yup. We be jammin'...
Photo Cred: Ragged Shirts - They put the RAD in Ragged

Jammin' for Jesus.

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