Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pumpkin Pie and Prevenient Grace.

Today for lunch I had some whipped cream with a side of pumpkin pie. No, seriously. It's the lunch of champions I tell you! I even ate most of the pie crust. Which I don't do. Ever. Unless it's graham cracker....
I had WAYYYY more whipped cream than that. WAY.

So, obviously... this afternoon I went to the gym because of the pumpkin pie (and yesterday's sinful St. Nicholas doughnut treat). I ran 3 miles. Go me!

^^ That's a true story. Yup, sure is. ^^

In other non-Prudence related news, how cute is Pope Benedict XVI? Love him!

According to Whispers in the Loggia, Papa Benny remotely lit the "World's Largest Christmas Tree" recently (the post at Whisper's says earlier tonight - but it was posted at 2:05 this afternoon, so... that confused me but whatevs.) And because he's COOL LIKE THAT he used a "tablet computer" which if you ask me closely resembles an iPad or maybe a Kindle Fire or something like that. Regardless - I love it when octogenarians embrace new technology! Get it Benny!
Photo Cred: Whispers in the Loggia
The Pope's Christmas wish makes him even cuter, if you ask me:
"My first wish... is that in our outlook of mind and heart, we won't stop only at the horizon of this world, of material things, but might be a little more like this tree, that always points upward, toward God. He never forgets us, but asks that we, too, don't forget him either!"
Awww. Great sentiments from our Holy Father.

Photo Cred: Mary Pages
And on this eve of the Immaculate Conception, we should be reminded that God certainly HAS NOT forgotten us. By choosing Mary, our Blessed Mother, to be without original sin from her very creation, a young girl was able to say "Yes" to God, to become the new Eve. She would bear the Savior of the World... our Redeemer. Without Mary (which, if you've read the side of my blog, you'll know that I think she's one cool Lady) we would be in pretty bad shape, salvifically speaking. (I may have just made up that word... "salvifically"...)

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