Sunday, December 18, 2011

Revised Missal Mini-Update

I learned this week that I have pretty much got the revised responses MEMORIZED! Boom!
 Except for the last couple of days at Daily Mass some people (coughpriest-friend&otherscough) have gotten me confused when they READ the Mystery of Faith and end with "in glory" instead of "again." I double checked the Pew Card (and the USCCB site just now, actually) and I'm PRETTY SURE (actually confident) that it says "again" and not "in glory." ..."In glory" was in two of the old ones. Just sayin...

I definitely don't have the Creed down yet (it's long, and we don't do it at Daily Mass so...). But I DO have the Confetior. And I can do it WITHOUT laughing.
Photo Cred: Lower Your Nets

And since we introduced all this in Advent, I don't have the Gloria memorized yet because you don't DO the Gloria during Advent. But... it's direct from the Latin, which I know fairly well, so I'm not overly concerned.

Yay for the Revisions!!


  1. I wish the pew cards instructed the thrice breast-beating at the Confiteor, and the bowing during the Creed. I've been to only one church (out of six) that used pew cards with the instructions.

  2. Ours in Another Smalltown have the directions for the Confiteor and the Creed. I mentioned this to Priest-Friend about Smalltown and he said that once people got the words, there'd "be catechesis" about the movements. I'm skeptical. I'll bring it up in another month or 2 though. Just to be a thorn in his side. I'm good at that, we know.
